Spotify Data Scientist Salary in USA (2023)

The median Spotify data scientist salary in USA is $182K. The highest Spotify data scientist salary is well over $250K! However, as you can see, the Spotify data scientist salaries vary widely. This data includes a range of experience levels from across the United States. The highest paid positions may need a PhD or niche specialization, and are senior data scientist roles.

Spotify Benefits and Non-Monetary Compensation

The estimated monetary value of Spotify's non-monetary employee benefits is about $10K.

Benefits include working from anywhere, flexible compensation, and parental leave. You can even travel to industry festivals and events! Flexible compensation allows employees to choose between stock options, cash and restricted stock units (RSUs). Other benefits at Spotify include free lunch five days a week, unlimited sick time, and over four weeks of vacation.

Average Spotify Data Scientist Salaries

SourceLow %ileMedianHigh %ile

The above table shows data scientist salaries from sources across the web. These sources use different methodologies for collecting salary data, so some are less reliable. is likely the most accurate source as they enforce verification of compensation. Data may be biased as it is self reported by employees wanting to share their salary, and dates are not always published.

About Spotify

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Spotify is the most popular music streaming service globally. Subscribers have grown to over 195 premium million subscribers and 456 million monthly active users. They make money from premium subscriptions and advertisements played during music and podcasts. Spotify was founded in 2006 and is based in Luxemburg.

A global employer, Spotify has over 8000 employees across all disciplines. Core values at Spotify include Mental Health, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging, Climate Action, Racial Equity, and Social Impact.

As a large technology employer, Spotify employs many data scientists. While official numbers are not published, analysis of public employee social media profiles estimate that Spotify employs more than 50 data scientists. In summary, the median Spotify data scientist salary for this community is approximately $182K!

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